Robert Moore

Robert Moore is a poet, playwright, actor, director, and educator. His poetry titles include So Rarely in Our Skins (a finalist for both the Atlantic Poetry Prize and the Margaret and John Savage First Book Award,) Museum Obsconditum, Figuring Ground, The Gold Book of Bovinities, and Based on Actual Events. His poems have appeared in Descant, The Fiddlehead, Wascana Review, CV2, The New Quarterly, Canadian Author, Prairie Fire, Pottersfield Portfolio, The Gaspereau Review and Quadrant. Moore is also the author of a dozen plays, including Rougher Magic. A frequent contributor to Books in Canada, he’s the founding Editor of Dianoia: A Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Journal. Robert Moore is a professor of English at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John.
Books by Robert Moore
So Rarely in Our Skins$14.95