Leanna Brodie

Leanna Brodie’s plays and libretti have been performed from Halifax to Vancouver, London to Auckland. The Vic, For Home and Country, The Book of Esther, and Schoolhouse are published by Talonbooks. She is also a noted translator of Québécois and Franco-Canadian drama whose recent productions include Hélène Ducharme’s internationally acclaimed Baobab; David Paquet’s award-winning The Shoe (The Cherry Artspace, Ithaca NY) and Wildfire (Upstream Theater, St. Louis MO and Factory Theatre, Toronto ON); Joe Jack et John’s Violette (Espace Libre, Montréal PQ); Catherine Léger’s I Lost My Husband! (Ruby Slippers Theatre/Gateway Theatre, Vancouver BC and Persephone Theatre, Saskatoon SK); Mohsen El Gharbi’s Omi Mouna (Impact Festival, Kitchener ON and Infinithéâtre, Montréal QC) and Rébecca Déraspe’s You Are Happy (GCTC and Red Theater Chicago). Three of her translations have been nominated for Tom Hendry Awards. She is currently translating new works by Fanny Britt, Rébecca Déraspe, Sébastien Harrisson, and Olivier Sylvestre; completing her MFA at the University of Calgary; teaching playwrighting at UBC; and co-writing Salesman in China (a commission from the Stratford Festival) with Jovanni Sy.
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Books by Leanna Brodie
The Weight of Ants$17.95
I Am William$15.95