Tara Beagan

Born in Niitsitapi country, Tara Beagan is a proud Ntlaka’pamux and Irish “Canadian” halfbreed. She has written more than twenty plays, and also directs and performs. Currently, she co-helms ARTICLE 11 with her most cherished collaborator, favourite artist and true love, Andy Moro. ARTICLE 11, now based in Mohkintsis, has brought Indigenous Activist art works to the NAC, the ROM, Kingcome Inlet, Kamloops, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary’s City Hall, the Edinburgh Fringe, and Wellington, Aotearoa (NZ). In 2021, Tara won the prestigious Siminovitch Prize in Theatre for her body of work.
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Books by Tara Beagan
The Ministry of Grace$18.95
Honour Beat$9.99 – $15.95
Reckoning$9.99 – $15.95